Bringing TRUE SELF into daily life

Online mit Lehrer Zou Ping und Michael Stockert

Es geht dabei darum unser Bewusstsein von der gewohnten Aussenorientierung zu entkoppeln und tiefer in uns Selbst zu verankern, weniger zu urteilen und uns mit der Harmonie unseres Herzens zu verbinden.

Neben der Organisation wird Michael Stockert auch die Austauschrunden nach den Praxiseinheiten anleiten.

Kurssprache englisch

Original Flyer:

Achtung die darin angegebenen Zeiten beziehen sich auf die GMT Zeitzone – bei uns also eine Stunde später

04. – 06. März 2022

11 – 14 Uhr
16 – 18 Uhr
19 – 20 Uhr

Online via Zoom

Kurssprache englisch

Kostenlose Online Session

26. Februar      –       11 Uhr

ZOOM link:

Meeting code: 258 982 1247

Passcode 112266

A life of inner happiness and without worries is conceivable for few. In the language of Zhineng Qigong we say: Almost everyone has lost the connection to his/her true self.

It is our common sense to define our life in relation to the world outside. In the same way we think and judge and that is how we produce lots of emotions.

Once we experience troubles, we usually attribute their cause in the outside: we feel that difficult circumstances or relationships are responsible for our suffering.

The goal of this course is to see the real cause/root of our problems within our own frame of reference. Then we can take responsibility for our wellbeing

The Theory of Yi Yuan Ti leads us to get step by step in contact with our true self. In our practice we will constantly direct our consciousness towards deeper and deeper self-awareness and slowly become more aware of our own thoughts, sensations and emotions.

We start to perceive from inside and experience the existence of internal self- awareness. That’s the way how we slowly judge less and less relating to the outside but face life with a harmonious heart.

Life becomes more satisfying and easier.

We will practice N Chanting, La Qi, 3 Centers Merge,…

We will invite you to share your experience and obstacles from your practice to connect deeply and develop a very strong Qi field within our group.

My name is Zou Ping and I was born in 1973 in Jiangxi Province in China. I began to practice Zhineng Qigong in 1992. I graduated from the two- year teacher training class at the Huaxia Center from 1997 to 1999, and then I worked in the Huaxia Zhineng qigong healing center.

In 2003, I came to Hainan Island with some friends and founded the Zhineng Qigong Center. In recent years, I have been teaching Zhineng Qigong in China, US, Mexico, UK and Europe. Now I teach Qigong in the UK. I hope to share Zhineng Qigong with more people and that more people will benefit.


  • Gesamt
    € 240,-
  • Ermäßigt für Studenten und Pensionisten
    € 190,-

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